What did you think of the CDC's recent announcement for those who are fully vaccinated? In case you're unfamiliar, the CDC's website says the following, but keep in mind that New Jersey's guidelines remain unchanged for now:
If you are fully vaccinated, you can resume activities that you did prior to the pandemic.
Sit with your thoughts for a moment before reading on. How does that statement make you feel?
Re-entering society after a long time with limited contact with others isn't easy for everyone. The New York Times recently had a wonderful article with tips for re-entering society, which included starting slowly, going out even if you have some anxiety, and prioritizing activities that help reduce anxiety.
The announcement from the CDC was a little over a week ago, and by the time you read this newsletter, it's possible that those guidelines, and New Jersey's guidelines, will be different.
But the question remains....is it safe to go out? As long as you're following local guidance, yes....but an equally important question is this—do you feel safe to go out?
If you don't, consider getting acupuncture to ease the fear and anxiety that can come from stepping back into the world. So often, emotions are balanced during acupuncture treatments.

In Five Element Theory, one of the foundations for acupuncture, emotions and their nuances are tied to each element. There are times when we have an excess of the Water element, which may come from being fearful. Acupuncture can help rebalance these Elements, which can then rebalance emotions so that we're not stuck in fear or worry or whatever it is that we're feeling.
Worth noting...the CDC continues to recommend wearing masks in health care settings. Please continue to wear a mask when you come to my office.
Keep breathing and enjoy these warmer days!