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Susannah Pitman, DAc
Sep 26, 20212 min read
Have You Reached Your Surge Capacity?
When you read "surge capacity", did you think the term had something to do with the electricity in your home? It's understandable because...
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Susannah Pitman, DAc
Aug 30, 20212 min read
Restoring Inner Peace
A few blogs ago, I talked about the importance of deep breathing and how that can relieve stress. In East Asian medicine, the Kidney Qi...
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Susannah Pitman, DAc
Jul 26, 20212 min read
Acupressure For Waking At Night
Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night and had trouble falling back asleep? Does this tend to happen between 1am and 3am? Does...
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Susannah Pitman, DAc
Jun 27, 20212 min read
Smoothing Out The Wrinkles
Recently, a new patient said this after his acupuncture treatment—I feel like the wrinkles in my body have been smoothed out. That...
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Susannah Pitman, DAc
May 23, 20212 min read
Is It Safe To Go Out?
What did you think of the CDC's recent announcement for those who are fully vaccinated? In case you're unfamiliar, the CDC's website says...
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Susannah Pitman, DAc
Apr 26, 20211 min read
Don't Stand Up Straight
"Stand up straight." We're taught at a young age that we should stand up straight, that perhaps a straight spine is an ideal spine. Look...
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Susannah Pitman, DAc
Mar 28, 20212 min read
How the Kidney Grasps the Lung Qi
According to the Chinese medical classics, the Kidney grasps the Lung Qi on inhalation. When I first heard that back when I was a...
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Susannah Pitman, DAc
Feb 28, 20213 min read
It's The Most Blah Time Of The Year
Despite the recent snow storms, nature is beginning its slow transition from winter to spring. During this seasonal shift, many people...
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Susannah Pitman, DAc
Jan 25, 20212 min read
Supporting Heart Health Naturally
Heart health is really important, and there's a number of different things we can do to help keep our cardiovascular system working...
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Susannah Pitman, DAc
Dec 21, 20202 min read
Lacking Spirit?....You're Not Alone
You are not alone. I've heard from so many people that they feel reluctant to decorate for the holidays. They're just not feeling it....
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Susannah Pitman, DAc
Nov 24, 20201 min read
Gratitude Heals....There's Proof
I've talked about gratitude in many past newsletters, and I've encouraged many patients to practice gratitude daily. Though I've read...
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Susannah Pitman, DAc
Oct 26, 20202 min read
The Theme of 2020 - Stress
The stressors of the pandemic are catching up to people, enough so that the American Psychiatric Association is considering adding "Covid...
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Susannah Pitman, DAc
Sep 27, 20202 min read
What Does This Point Do?
This is one of my most frequently asked questions.
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Susannah Pitman, DAc
Aug 31, 20203 min read
The Non-Exchanging of Energy
Humans are a social species. How do we persevere through this time socially distant time?
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Susannah Pitman, DAc
Aug 25, 20203 min read
Rebounding from Fatigue
Stress, especially over long periods of time, can result in fatigue. There are a number of things you can do to rebound from fatigue.
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Susannah Pitman, DAc
Aug 25, 20202 min read
The Age of Inflammation
Stress can cause inflammation, and in many ways we're living in times that are very inflaming on a number of levels.
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Susannah Pitman, DAc
Aug 25, 20203 min read
Finding Calm Among Chaos
How do we manage fear in this day and age?
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Susannah Pitman, DAc
Aug 18, 20202 min read
A New Acupressure Technique
Something inside me told me to try holding these crystals in a specific way during a meditation to see how it felt....and it felt amazing.
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Susannah Pitman, DAc
Aug 18, 20202 min read
Anxiety and East Asian Medicine
Have you ever noticed that anxiety manifests differently in different people? This blog explains why.
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Susannah Pitman, DAc
Aug 18, 20205 min read
Keep Breathing
COVID-19 is a virus that greatly affects the lungs, which is why it's so important to take care of your lungs as much as possible.
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